Friday, December 10, 2010

New Patricia Cornwell

Just got the newest Scarpetta book today at the library. I am so hoping that it is good. I was going to take my name off the "Book My Favorites" for Cornwell because I have been VERY disappointed in the last two novels. BUT I read a review of the new one and it sounds like Ms. Cornwell is back on track. We shall see.

Here is a link to the new novel mentioned:Port Mortuary (A Scarpetta Novel)

Have been busy publishing "Holiday Gift Guides" on Squidoo. Need to make one for books. So far I have 8 guides. Here is a link to the collective list for those Holiday Gift Guides: Mickie_G's Gift Guides. Go check them out. There is still time to order online!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hot off the Book Presses!

I just finished I'd Know You Anywhere: A Novel by Laura Lippmana great fiction novel! It reinforces my opinion of Ms. Lippman as being one of the best novelists in the USA! She writes with such ease; I truly believe that she is every bit as good as Anne Tyler. There must be something in the water in Maryland!

I'd know you anywhere is a haunting story that is masterfully and naturally layered. Eliza has a past that is not so "American Dreamy"; she was kidnapped and a witness to a murder during her pre-teen years. Lippman connects Eliza with all those involved with this tragedy with a fine crochet hook. I wish I could think of a better analogy--one that involves pop music, but I cannot. Crochet links strands of yarn without actually meshing them. Each story follows its own line and crosses the others--leading to one finished item.

Lee Child also has a new book, Worth Dying ForLee Child Jack Reacher that I just picked up from the library. I won't tell you what it is about (it is related to the last Reacher novel), but just know that it is set in Kansas. I have enjoyed all of Lee Child's novels in the past and I am looking forward to digging into this one.

This novel remains on my nightstand:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Carl Hiaasen's Newest--Star Island

This book was a hoot. (Hoot is actually the name another Hiaasen book)

 I read the hardback edition as I do not own a Kindle as of this date. I find holding the actual book made of cardboard and paper quite satisfying. On a side note: when in the doctor's office, a lady with a Kindle asked me what I was reading. We got into a discussion of books vs. Kindle. I was surprised at the number of books she had on her device--1000. Imagine that!? I also like the tools that were on the Kindle--like a dictionary.

Similar to Law and Order on TV, this novel is ripped from the headlines. Like all of Hiaasen's novels, there are many plots to keep up with, but the main one centers around the antics of a young, no-talent singing starlet who is a "bad girl" ala Lindsey Lohan (Now, Lindsey does have talent, but she is a "bad girl") or Britney Spears. The no-talent bimbo star is pursued by a greasy, rolly-polly paparazzo who is obsessed with her. He thinks that this young lady will end up like Marilyn (dead) and he will have the money making digital images that will make her and him a legend.

Skink makes a return appearance in this novel. He is the former governor of FL who now lives life as a wild man saving Florida from the money hungry land grabbers who violate the natural beauty and wild life of this tropical paradise. (I wonder what Skink would do to BP executives if he got near them?) Somehow he gets involved with the ditzy, glitzy life of the "bad girl" and much craziness occurs. You will love it.

Easy to read. You will not be wasting you time with this fun book.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Have Not Been Reading, lately.

My Basset Hound, Howie, disappeared on July 3rd. He was scared by fireworks that were being launched (illegally) in our neighborhood. We mistakenly left him outside while we were having dinner at a house nearby. By the time we got home, Howie had escaped the fenced in backyard. We searched the entire neighborhood until midnight, calling him and hoping that he would hear or see us. No luck.

The next day was July 4th and my husband and I spent the day putting up Lost Dog signs. On Monday, July 5th we posted more signs and tried to call vets and shelters. BUT it was a legal holiday and most businesses were closed. Even the newspaper had no one on their classified ads desk. By Tuesday, we were quite depressed and missing that lovable hound dog of ours.

As of today, he has still not returned home, nor have we gotten any legit sightings or replies to our ads or signs.

We live in Shelby County, Alabama. If anyone has seen our basset, please call 205 706-0420. He is a neutered male, tricolor (but mostly black) handsome basset hound.

You can visit the Facebook Page I created for him. Fave it and share it with anyone you know who lives near Hoover Alabama.A Lost Basset Hound named Howie

Monday, June 21, 2010

Finally! 61 Hours by Lee Child

Summer is finally here! There are several new novels published just in time for the summer reading season. Two of those are on my night stand and calling to me even as I am typing this post.

61 Hours is author Lee Child's newest Jack Reacher novel. If you have not read any of Mr. Child's suspense fiction you have missed out on some very good reads. Not every one of the Reacher books are excellent, but any Reacher story is better than having nothing to read at all.

The other book just waiting to have the spine cracked is the latest Sookie Stackhouse tome by Charlaine Harris.

Will write more next week. I promise! By then, the Reacher novel will have been completed and Sookie and I will again become good friends.

Now, I am going to bed and read!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Scarpetta Factor: Too much character, not enough action.

Sorry, Ms. Cornwell, but I skimmed over about 50% of the words in your newest novel The Scarpetta Factor. So much of what you wrote in this long tome of yours I just did not really care about. For example, when Marino was in the RJCC viewing room watching the unknown (at that time) gentleman who was thinking about jumping off the GW Bridge, I did not need to know EVERYTHING that Pete was thinking about. I only needed to know that the fella on the bridge looked familiar to him.

I am not sure why you put so much information in this book. Suffice it to say, your last two Scarpetta novels have been disappointing for me. Please, remember that most of your readers have read the other books in this series and do not need to be reminded in detail about what has gone before. If I had just found you as an author with this current book, I just might not want to read any others.

In fact, I am recommending that your readers get the abridged audio version of this book. I wish I had.

Just my opinion.