Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Scarpetta Factor: Too much character, not enough action.

Sorry, Ms. Cornwell, but I skimmed over about 50% of the words in your newest novel The Scarpetta Factor. So much of what you wrote in this long tome of yours I just did not really care about. For example, when Marino was in the RJCC viewing room watching the unknown (at that time) gentleman who was thinking about jumping off the GW Bridge, I did not need to know EVERYTHING that Pete was thinking about. I only needed to know that the fella on the bridge looked familiar to him.

I am not sure why you put so much information in this book. Suffice it to say, your last two Scarpetta novels have been disappointing for me. Please, remember that most of your readers have read the other books in this series and do not need to be reminded in detail about what has gone before. If I had just found you as an author with this current book, I just might not want to read any others.

In fact, I am recommending that your readers get the abridged audio version of this book. I wish I had.

Just my opinion.

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