Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hot off the Book Presses!

I just finished I'd Know You Anywhere: A Novel by Laura Lippmana great fiction novel! It reinforces my opinion of Ms. Lippman as being one of the best novelists in the USA! She writes with such ease; I truly believe that she is every bit as good as Anne Tyler. There must be something in the water in Maryland!

I'd know you anywhere is a haunting story that is masterfully and naturally layered. Eliza has a past that is not so "American Dreamy"; she was kidnapped and a witness to a murder during her pre-teen years. Lippman connects Eliza with all those involved with this tragedy with a fine crochet hook. I wish I could think of a better analogy--one that involves pop music, but I cannot. Crochet links strands of yarn without actually meshing them. Each story follows its own line and crosses the others--leading to one finished item.

Lee Child also has a new book, Worth Dying ForLee Child Jack Reacher that I just picked up from the library. I won't tell you what it is about (it is related to the last Reacher novel), but just know that it is set in Kansas. I have enjoyed all of Lee Child's novels in the past and I am looking forward to digging into this one.

This novel remains on my nightstand:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

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