Sunday, January 4, 2009

What a Disappointment!

Finished reading Scarpetta the newest novel from Patricia Cornwell. I was so hoping that the story would be a good one. Well, it was OK, but not the best Kay Scarpetta tome. I saw an interview in which Ms. Cornwell says we will be surprised by the outcome of the book (read: Who did the murders; who wrote "Gotham Gotcha".) I am not the sharpest pin in the cushion, but I sorta figured it out way too soon.

But, I must say that I read the book in less than a week. I am not a fast reader. I skipped over some of the computer techy stuff and psychoanalysis trivia. I missed out on nothing by doing so, buy the way. My motive in finishing this thick book was to get it back to the library as soon as I could. Being a former librarian, I know that there is a long waiting list on any Cornwell book, so renewing it was out of the question if I could not finish it during the check-out time.

Spoiler alert: Kay and Benton.

The are married. Not in bliss land, but that is reality. Sometimes the fun is in the hunting,trapping and taming. I am not quite convinced that their marriage will last. I hope so.

Lucy. What can one say about Lucy. I think I presently like Abby on NCIS much better.

I am glad to see Marino getting back to normal. He is much too interesting to disappear.

My recommendations:

Check the book out from the library or buy it used on Amazon, if you must.

If you are looking for a good read, try Laura Lippman. Visit my article on Squidoo, Laura Lippman & Tess Monaghan: Girls Detecting for my thoughts about this wonderful author and book series.

1 comment:

Vickie said...

I gave up on Patricia Cornwell a long while back. She seems to be just going through the motions any more. I saw where she had a hissy fit and only wanted the good reviews posted anywhere. Which a crock. Life is too short to read bad books. Have you tried Beverly Connor's two forensic series? There are others I could recommned, too. Jefferson Bass, Tess Gerritsen, Karin Slaughter, Ariana Franklin...those are just some of the forensic thriller authors out there....